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Hey! We are OwlityAI

Our mission is to provide a platform to make quality assurance fast and easy without compromising on quality


Our philosophy

Our aim is simple: transform traditional QA by using AI to deliver faster, more cost-effective results with the same quality as top human QA teams.

We’re here to revolutionize traditional QA by seamlessly integrating AI-driven efficiency with the deep insights that come from years of experience.

The founder’s



OwlityAI is the brainchild of Oleg Sadikov and Dmitry Reznik, founders of DeviQA, a globally recognized leader in software quality assurance.

Their journey began with a mission: to solve the toughest QA challenges that other companies often find irresistible.

Since 2010, they have successfully guided hundreds of companies through the complex world of QA and testing, assembling a team of seasoned QA professionals.

With 15 years of experience behind them, understanding the ins and outs of QA and testing, Oleg and Dmitry came up with a solution that combines their extensive experience with the power of AI. So they created OwlityAI to make quality assurance fast, easy, and cost-effective without compromising on quality.


We are...


Owl-ways innovating

Like the wise owl, we're constantly seeking new ways to improve our AI-driven QA solutions, always striving for excellence


Human-centric, AI-powered

OwlityAI is about revolutionizing traditional QA with cutting-edge AI technology. Together, we’re a force to be reckoned with



We're always listening, learning, and refining our product to deliver a superior customer experience

Get to know our team


Dmitry Reznik

CPO & founder


Oleg Sadikov

CEO & founder



Change the way you test

Say goodbye to traditional QA and welcome the future with OwlityAI's autonomous AI QA capabilities.